Sunday, November 6, 2011

Long Time Running

So finally I remember again that I have a blog. I have no idea who is even reading this- but I figure since I am posting this on the world wide web someone is bound to see these words.
Life is a mirror. We see what is reflected back to us. Our perception is viewed through our lenses of conditioning, beliefs, judgments, and ego.

I was just thinking yesterday how cool it is to imagine and think about the Human RACE as a collective. Each individual is fulfilling a unique and different facet/aspect of the divine. You might be more inclined to study bones and anthropology- while your neighbor is busy living out the photographer's dream. We are all living out each other's unfulfilled potential that individually we aren't accessing. You are the me that I never was or will be in this life. We are each other. Playing out each other's desires, fears, habits, trials and tribulations. Trippy
So as a whole we are a complete unit. In the human race we have EVERY possible character, ego-personality, talents, vibration, DNA chains.... everything that is possible to exist in the human race does. We are a large, grand, experiment traveling on a spinning globe in a Multiverse inside of galaxy upon galaxy. Wow. How serious we are. How serious we take life. What if it was just a big intricate illusional game that you signed on to play when you were still a pure soul wanting to travel to the big Earth University to experience the ultimate thrills of being human.
A big game on the wheel of life; and you are my brother, and you are my sister. You complete the parts of me that I in this body will never want to experience or live out in this lifetime. So I get to watch all around me as parts of my potential self are being played out in every interaction I have.
Take a deep breath. The moment is always now.
Think about your past, the day that has flown by for you to arrive at this moment to read these words.
Doesn't it seem like a dream? how is it any different in your head than an actual dream? Couldn't you manipulate your dreams in your head to fit how you desire your reality to be?
The future is a dream too. There is no real difference in your mental head and imagination between past and future- the only difference being that your perception of them is locked into a linear sense of time.
Couldn't your past be your future, or vice versa? Couldn't you dream up your very present- if in fact all of life is just different layers of the dreamscape reality. If you are the dreamer couldn't you control your perception and experience of this very tangible, physical dream?
 So then we come to the present. Again and again and again. Ok. I remind myself. Now is here, now is all WE HAVE.
We are a collective human race hurdling through dimensions at a rapid speed. Who is ready for takeoff? Who knows enough about themselves to be strong and comfy in their center admist all of this change?
Since we are a race of incredible human beings- our own experience affects everyone connected to this web of humanity. Your story matters. How you live matters. It inspires or drags down everyone you come into contact with. We are here to lift each other up, higher and higher!

Ready for 11.11.11. All it is is another date. Numbers being matter of energetics though, it is a powerful portal for unity and syncronization. 

Loving you family,
stunned goddess of laughter

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