Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Crazy jungle adventure

Oh Peru, how I love you so. You make my heart sing and my skin glow!

Today I met 3 Canadians in the Huequito market place, where I was randomly shopping for some fresh fruits and veggies. I was alone and therefore probably more easily approachable. These three were definitely an odd combination and divulged some highly exciting news to me. I was only able to talk to them for a few minutes, and made a plan to see them tomorrow right down the street at the cool river-side hostel they are staying at. So far what I found out, was that they are part of several (?) worldwide organizations working to bring the new paradigm to 3-D density. They are bringing Nikola Tesla's free energy generator to Peru and in 6 weeks the built generator will arrive and start creating free energy for an area in Tarapoto, Peru!!! They are also involved with 3-D printing, and creating off the grid, eco-sustainable, harmonious communities. So far, they told me that people of Peru have been giving them acres upon acres of land, once they find out what this trio (and many others working together) are doing! HOW radically, and beyond radically exciting this is! I CAN NOT wait to sit down with these geniuses and hear more, and find a way to plug into this project myself. One of the guys was saying he loves to hear about all the projects that are similar in the world, so they can start to create a world wide network of these amazingly progressive projects!

So I now know why I left for the market at 12:30 today, on a Tuesday! How freaking fortuitous.

Yesterday was quite an adventure. The planning of the day started happening around noon, and therefore started stressing me out way unnecessarily :)
Andrew and Kate are still here, they will be flying out tomorrow at 1 pm to Lima, and from there taking a flight to Boston to spend 5 days with family before flying back to Ireland. It has been truly wonderful having them here a full week, it has felt like so much longer though. I hope we get to visit them in Ireland one of these days and dive into their local culture! Anyways, yesterday we all wanted to do something, so Aubrey suggested we take a "collective" out to San Antonio about 45 minutes away and find a guide to explore the local waterfall named "Huacamaillo". We arrived probably some time shortly before 4- and being that the sun sets at 6 we really didn't have much time to explore. Immediately we were introduced to a local guide who willingly took us into the enchanted jungle of San Antonio. About 15 minutes into the beautiful jungle hike, Phoenix, who was talking with the guide up front, started warning us about very poisonous  snakes that like to lie by the river beds and warm rocks. The guide was also telling us about Chullanchaqui a little furry man-thing that protects the forest. They are devilish creatures and have been seen to be shape shifters. In their original form, they run very quickly through the forest and often deter humans from their jungle paths. Our guide was very serious when he warned us about him, for his own brother was attacked by this supposedly "mythical creature" who are indeed VERY real.  So this became quite the hike, watching out for snakes and Chullanchaqui, while doing our best to keep up with our skinny Peruvian tour guide. There were two points at which we had to completely get wet to cross a pretty deep and swift river. Thankfully our guide helped Kate and I across, but left the boy's to their own devices :) After to what was probably close to an hour, we finally arrived at the gorgeous waterfall secluded in a little nook of the rainforest. Phoenix and Andrew took full advantage and jumped into the murky waters below, off the edge of the waterfall, Kate and I were a little less adventurous. Nonetheless we all got shots of the retrospective couples kissing under the waterfall!

After about 20 minutes, we had to hurry back to make it out of the beautiful but dangerous jungle before nightfall. At this point the rain was coming down pretty heavy. Our guide told us to hurry because the rivers rise pretty quickly when it rains heavily there. We passed a cute couple with the cutest housing set up; deep in the jungle, they had a small hut and seemed to be living there completely happy and more or less off the grid. (Great retirement plan:) ) Alas with a few minutes to spare, before true nightfall, we emerged out of the incredibly beautiful jungle.

Now, the only problem was how we were going to get back to Tarapoto, because no more collectivos were heading out that way. One man offered to take us on his motocarro (tri-ped motorcycle thing), alas the funniest part of the whole trip began. Andrew, Kate, and Phoenix were squished into the seat and I had to lay horizontally on top of all three. My feet were hanging off the edge, and my head was bouncing on Andrew's lap. I was pretty much laughing the whole hour ride back to the city, enjoying the glowing stars as I gazed up at the sky, bouncing to the beat of the crickets as the motocarro maneuvered his way through the ditches.

We arrived! Our clothes were still soaking wet from the river and rain, but we definitely had a memorable experience. After we all showered and put on clean clothes, it was time for pizza at the lovely romantic Cafe D' Mundo, one of the finest and most beautiful restaurants in town!

Today I had 2 dance classes, one in the AM and one in the PM. My "bad" dance teacher (truly
the worst instructor of my entire life), wants me and her to dance in front of the children she teaches next Thursday. I will be performing in a traditional mini poofy skirt, a very boring repetitive dance in front of a bunch of kids?! Oh my pleasure...... not. HAHA but why the hell not? That is my philosophy.

I am about to eat a LOVELY dinner prepared by chef Andrew! It has been so nice having a house full of people, we will definitely be sad to see them both go.

Until soon, where I will divulge more information about the great projects the Canadians are up to!!!

Whoot WHOOT!
Toast, to saving the world through free energy, eco-communities, and the rising consciousness of humanity.


1 comment:

  1. I Love this story and you. <3 I could imagine being there.Thank you!
