Saturday, May 3, 2014

What is going on these last few days? Big things. Big things.

I am writing this after beautiful torrential downpours have made the ground soggy and quite slippery.
It is believed by the people here that if you go outside during rain, you will get sick. Moreover if you look or stare at a rainbow you will get very deathly sick. AND If a rainbow appears you must run inside and not look at it.

 A lot of people here believe the world is flat.  If you start to explain the truth to them, they think you are lying to them, and can not by any means handle that sort of drastic paradigm shift.

It makes me reflect yet again, on how lucky we are as Americans, (even though most of us complain about what a ridiculous country we are) to have all of the opportunities we DO have. More then any other place in the world (as far as I know), we can truly carve out our own path in the USA. I am half Italian (dad's side) half German (mom's side)- and so I have spent ample amounts of time in Europe, mostly living in Germany. I love Europe, I love my family that lives over there- but a few years back I was given several chances to move over there. I still could move to Europe if I wanted to. Yet what always stopped me was the deep knowing that I would have more freedom and "tribe" here in the USA. There are probably more "progressive", and "conscious" cities here then any other country in the world. Where else can we find so many forward thinking people deeply passionate about changing this earth to be more in alignment with the values of Harmony, Peace, and Equality for ALL? The quality of experience is so unique in America. I wouldn't be able to do half the things I dream up if I was living in Europe, where the structure is much more rigid, and the hoops to jump through much more high. All I am saying at this moment, is living for a while in a "third world country" where people are struggling to just get by day to day, really gives One a huge perspective shift. The fact that we have access to food, water, and shelter for the most part every day, and on average, most Americans expect these basic necessities to be taken care of, is so amazing. Most of the world is living in extreme poverty. Granted there is extreme poverty in America as well, yet speaking from my own experience as Norianna- I have been given an extremely blessed life. I was born into a family that had its own issues, but I was ALWAYS amply provided for. Anything I needed or really wanted, I was able to have. My dreams were nurtured, and my individuality cherished. I am immensely grateful for this opportunity I have in this lifetime to create anything I dream of, and to reach unlimited highs regarding my spiritual evolution.

Even though America is crashing hard at the moment, I am grateful that the open spirit of the Country has nurtured me into being the way I am today. I am not even so certain I want to continue living in America for much longer, and it is probably wise to get out of what is becoming more and more a dictatorship everyday... Yet I am just reflecting on the egregore that is USA. What the USA truly stands for and we have to remind ourselves that it is equally as bad some other countries, and terribly worse everywhere else.

Looking on the bright side, all the time.

So lots has been happening in Yacumama. I find out Thursday that my car was hit when my girlfriend was calmly parallel parking- strange news. She is OK, everything will be OK I believe, just some car body-work to be taken car of. Thursday was also a night of peaking emotion for me as well, a combination of a lot of things were surfacing. I was able to very very very clearly see how my thoughts inform my emotions, and how if I keep putting attention on those thoughts and emotions, they will only intensify and create the situation to grow into manifestation more. Life is TRULY a matter of perception. I can TRULY choose how I perceive it. Simple is as simple does...:) Yet it is not quite so easy- simple yes, easy- well, that is another story. Friday morning I woke up and had some residual emotion come up for me. I choose to keep moving in my yoga practice, and to meditate, and finally to write out what I am releasing onto paper. I had to literally force myself to shift my energy, and Viola! It worked! Phoenix exclaimed "Nori is back!!". I would like to thank my moon-cycle for ending, so I can be back to my normal self, yet I am ever so grateful for its deep insights and introverted energy.

Well yesterday late afternoon Phoenix and I were in the lab and got the news from Dio that Aubrey's father had just passed away.
That hit us like a ton of bricks. What an intense thing to hear on a Friday afternoon.
On any afternoon.

My heart reaches out to her- since we have arrived she has had a whole lot of stuff happen, hitting her hard from every angle possible, and now this? She is truly an inspiration at how she walks through life, taking it as it comes with as much grace as possible. We still don't know in definitive terms, but it is looking like at 7 months pregnant, her and Dio will be flying to New Jersey to be with the family in mourning. This totally alters our plans being in Peru as well. It is all happening in divine flow, as nothing can not happen that way- and this is definitely not the last time we will be coming here. If they do end up leaving, Phoenix and I will be taking a few days tour out to visit the beautiful ruins of Chachapoya, about 700 years older then Machu Picchu. I will be writing about that adventure for sure! I am just so curious how the rest of our time will play out while we are here. It seems like we are only hitting the tip of the ice burg so far.

I personally have actually gone through quite some transformation already- and yet because it all feels so very integrated, if I didn't have Phoenix as a reflection, it may just pass me by. I am eager for more shifts, insights, and releasing to happen.

I arrived here with some expectations, but trying my hardest to keep an open mind and heart. I am fulfilling my main expectation to dance, by studying Afro-Peruano with Susan and Aida- basically the only two teachers of that form out here. It is a beautiful blend between African and Peruvian/Latin dance. I look forward to learning more about it. Other then having 4 one hour classes of that set up a week, I am free to do as I choose.
Read, sleep, walk, speak Spanish, cook, yoga, meditate, go to town...
Then when it rains here, not too much else happens- people chill inside and hide from the rainbows.
I on the other hand, definitely don't hide from the rainbows instead I remark at its beauty- because in my paradigm the rainbows won't make me sick.

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