Healing process.
I thought I was in for a week or so of pure torturous pain
and feeling uncomfortable in my skin. As it turns out surgery was not even half
as bad as I had expected. Swallowing of course hurt but not to the extent that
I was used to from previous infected tonsils. I was loaded on pain meds so I
don’t know how bad it would have ACTUALLY been without medications- but of
course I am content to never know. I never had a fever, felt slightly nauseated
only a few mornings because I was taking pain meds ever 4 hours during the
night without taking a bite to eat with the pill…J
Basically I was content. I still am content. It has been a solid week since surgery
and I feel slightly normal. The worst pain I’m experiencing currently is the
tea tree oil seeping into my warts that I have covered with saran wrap. HAHA
life. We expect the worst and the best comes out of it. Right- now I wouldn’t
say that is a universal law….
I would attribute a lot of my success to a few things in
particular. I have been wearing a necklace by Buddha Mayitraya consisting of a
crystal with gold wire wrapping and magnets (god consciousness frequency tool
100%). Since wearing it I have noticed a general overall peacefulness and
contentment with each given moment. So prior going into surgery I was calm,
relaxed, loved, fully supported, and at ease. Second I have been able to
maintain a lot of fluids throughout the process including fresh carrot, beet,
celery, and green juices. I don’t know what to attribute to my healing but
everything that has been influential in the process. A major realization was
that throughout the process I have been completely and utterly loved and
supported. Being in a state of love and receptivity throughout has been
extremely blissful and conducive to my healing.
So I’d go through it again- this experience has been lovely
and deeply healing on many levels. Of course it sucks having raw throats and no
bowel evacuations for a week--J
but like I’ve said, it’s all worth it. Especially since the doctors reported
that there was some weird scarring on the tonsils, which they’ve sent into the
pathology lab for further testing; another sign confirming my decision.
Furthermore timing of things seem to have an effect on the outcome. I was orginially scheduled for thursday May 17th. My dad had a flight to come out and take care of me- everything was set- I was set on surgery. The monday of the week of surgery- I came across information that completely resonated with me- so I decided to cancel surgery to try out this method. I let my dad know about my
descion to cancel yet he was still excited to come out and take a week long vacation with me. That Tuesday night I get another phone call from him telling me his flight was just cancelled. WHAT??? Total syncronisities everywhere..... dum dum dum
Nonetheless that following Sunday I became infected again with this lovely bacteria ever pervading within my tonsils. I decided well lets just do it. My boyfriend reassured me that throughout the process he would be there with me doing everything in his power to make it as easy, fun, and comfortable for my speedy recovery. Ok we thought :) it would at the very least be a pretty intimate bonding experience. I rescheduled surgery for that Thursday hoping that the infection I currently had would subside enough to do it through taking antibiotics again. Thursday morning came about bright and early, 7:15 was my appointment- I felt light, great, and fully present. My friend Tawnie showed up at the hospital as well and definitely helped set the mood by bringing laughter and the utmost positive spirits with her. The trippyest thing was going down on anethesia. I heard the doctor say ok you've got about 25 seconds- but before second 8 I was out black. I remember having a slight dream right before a nurse said my name to bring me back to conciousness: "Norianna can you hear me?" Bam- all of a sudden I was back to reality though I couldn't for the life of me, open my eyes. It was such a wierd feeling to know that I was out of body- out of conciousness- for 30 minutes meanwhile surgeons took out an organ of mine. CRAZY!! Anyways from there on it was recovery time. I was in a way fortunate to have been on oxycodone because the pain was completely tolerable... (helpful hints for future cases of tonsilectomy for any of you!!) So there you have it a very very brief and concise description of my last week and then some.
As always I am ever grateful for life and all of it's miraculous miracles it bestows upon me!! I am soooooo amazed currently at my reflections- I am able to see myself more and more clearly for the pure essence that I am through looking at all of my close friends and relationships. The strong, empowered, wise, concious, loving, solid, creative, visionary people that I am constantly surrounded with surely says a lot about who I am as well. It is such an honor to see myself through everyone elses eyes- and I am ever humbled.
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