Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ohh... Wow. I am official. Well it has been since March 3rd that I passed the NCE (national certification exam for massage and bodywork)... that defines me as a licensed body worker! Whoohoooo! I made business cards today and am excited to spread the love!
I actually put this blog on my business card hoping to create an actual blog with legit information and inspiring news in the near future- instead of a more personal basis.

So starting on that note.
Please check out these websites for your own information and awakening! (friend's company starting up now!!)

There is a responsibility for us all to awaken. Here and now. What type of environment or people do you surround yourself with on a daily basis. Is it one of love and support- one that makes you feel amazing? Or is it one that leaves you feeling weird, empty, in dissonance- creating more drama then necessary in your life?

What are your dreams? What are your hopes, your visions? When you leave this planet how would you have liked to leave your imprint, your impression?

When are you going to start living the life you want to live, the life you deserve to live, the life of freedom and abundance? Maybe you already are??!! Amazing. IF not now though, when?

Especially in this day and age. Cycles of "time" are becoming more intense and shorter- causing what we think to appear in manifestation quicker and quicker. It has always been the time to activate on your truth- but right NOW is the time more than ever in history.

What about me? How can I even be writing this? I am 21- yet so what. My truths are super clear to me, my intuition is strong, and my history of studying everything consciousness related started way young. WE all know what is inherently true to us- it doesn't matter if our truths differ slightly- but I believe essentially we all know our foundation in divine love. How our journey looks to get back home is the incredible magic of this universe. It is like the universe playing out every conceivable option in existence through our individual lives- yet ultimately it doesn't matter what you look like or what occupation you find yourself doing. Our mission is more or less the same. Love. Can we return home to love? How do we love. I am speaking thus; of an unconditional love- not the commercial conditional love that disappears when you break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend. 

That is my journey. How can I make an impact in the positive wherever I am? Whether it be a smile at the cash register, looking a stranger in the eyes, sharing what I have with others.... I try.
And isn't that great? We get to try. We get to fail. We get to try again. Well shoots- every lifetime is a step closer to the ultimate goal of returning home. We are constantly failing, trying, and remembering.

So. End of rant. As far as I am concerned. I love life. Life loves me. It is a perfect mirror reflection!

1 comment:

  1. This was Ryan who posted that comment by the way.
