Today I would like to comment on Time. Does anyone else notice what is happening? I don't even know if I can really put a finger on it. It is as if Time has molded. Weeks feel like a moment, months seem long enough but in retrospect it is all a blurr. It really does feel like the time warp matrix web that we have been stuck in for so long is altering. NOW. An interesting point to note on that subject. I have also been witnessing how my own perceptions of the world and ability to hold a higher frequency can be amplified or squashed depending on the type of people I am around. So then the way I deal with mundane things (although nothing is mundane) or lets say every day things- becomes more heavy, musome (a word?), harder somehow. BECAUSE: now my own energy has been greatly altered. Or maybe rather it is vibrating at a pretty normal rate but because I am now not currently around my 'kind' (my crystalline energetic refractor people- soul sistahs). So then I feel more 'stuck' so to say inside of this time illusion, material world illusion- then when I am surrounded by high vibrating beings. When I am around those that understand on a soul level why we are here (all of you indigos, starseeds, and the likes) then my energy battery/frequency battery is recharged and I am able to be in the world at a much lighter, higher frequency then I currently feel I am. YET..... it is all so good and so okay because like I have mentioned before there are the WOODS. Those plants and animals that never developed egos. They are there eminating pure divine love for all of us to soak in when we are aware and asking for it. Then I also recognize part of my work is to anchor down the light and be that light in EVERY and all situations. GOD that is fucking hard sometimes.
I so recognize the necesity of having soul food; having people who relate, get, and recharge your energetic core. I honor that necesity now more then ever... I am calling in all tribe, family, light workers to unite and create this collective family. As we are awakening we are recognizing we cannot do this alone. I feel that so strong. I NEED and desire my people. My tribe provides me with the deep acceptence, understanding, freedom, and power that feels so crucial to have right now.
So meshing back into the theme of Time. My feelings are that things are shifting sooooooooooo rapidly. Thus: it is extremely vital to stay grounded and continue honing in the highest frequency possible. Of course it becomes that much easier when all you attract around you are beings that understand the same. For those of us in situations where we are around people a lot who carry a lot of fear.... what can we do? Acknowladge it but not feed it??? Offer other possibilities? Let it roll off of our skin?? Then in my case it seems as if only TIME can really alter things. Time brings me in new locations. Time lets the sun set and my dreambody fly. Time allows for things to shift, yet it also allows for things to become hectic if not treated right.
So an oath, homage, toast, cheers to Time. To the paradox that it is and isn't. To the lessons it brings us. To the wrinkles it bestows if we so let it. To the time when there will cease to be linear mental time as we know it! I praise those days.... yet can only praise them through the contrast we are now living.
Nori Bumble Bee
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duality of reflections.... transparency |
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