Sometimes life catches up to you. What the fuck does that even mean? I am currently in Carolina de Norte le old Chapel Thrill typing this from my room of many many years. Life is revolving and evolving so beautifully. I originally guesstimated I might be in North Carolina until August 10-15? Turns out about a week ago I was scanning my emails and my eye caught an email from the Master Class series I had been dancing back in Salt Lake. It was an invitation to take a two week dance intensive for 1/2 the tuition price. Wow I thought- crazy- I had been wanting to dance and was even contemplating going to New York for a week or so to just go crazy and be in the dance atmosphere again. So I jumped on it- naturally after feeling it all out- I am returning to Salt Lake this Saturday the 21st of July. I will be staying with a beautiful dancer friend of mine for the two weeks I am in the workshop. Meanwhile my boyfriend and I can look for a place to more or less temporarily live until our vision starts physically manifesting. I am stunned, honored, and thrilled to be moving back to Salt Lake City especially under the circumstances that are now arising. There is soooooo much momentum in the air, it does feel like I am stepping into a project/vision that is universal. I am only acting as a channel and catalyst for whatever it is God (great powerful forces of the universe, eternal love, substitute your own metaphor**) wants to see happen. Phoenix and I have this vision of creating a space where Alchemy, Movement, and Learning can take place. We want a building that can contain enough space for: a big movement space/stage, alchemy lab, healing room, yoga space, commercial kitchen, greenhouses, gardens, chickens, residential area ie: bedrooms. I am so honored to be co-creating this vision into reality. It is a space where people can take workshops, retreats, possibly even work-exchange, or healing time. This center is a community and a way for community to build around avenues of transformation and consciousness. I am stoked- it all feels so good and right to be grounding out for a while to really develop my own faculties. I am really creating space now to start letting whatever it is I am here to create/teach come forth. Perhaps it is my own movement/healing modality that will develop and I am choosing to focus on its birthing process right now. I also see ritual dance theater happening where audience members sit in a circle and actively hold space for the dancers in the middle expressing their true raw stories through movement and other means of expression. I am very much so in an inspired and creatively rich time in my life. I see so clearly all of this taking place it isn't even a question. I will also be working on performing and creating epic multimedia performances. I want to dance and work with digital projections and texture mapping, especially to create transforming shows that leave the observers slightly more englightened than before. There is overall an abundance of projects I will be stepping back into when I arrive in Utah. For now it is always simply this present moment and the flow that creates dreams into reality. I have gotten pretty dang good at following my heart and gut- intuition. I am happy to be dancing again and get my body used to that concept. Yay go universal life flow- way to blow my own mind constantly at how syncronistic everything seems to be. Way to open up my heart and match the perfect synergistic harmonious partner in my life- which is now turning out to be a necessary union in order to manifest this collective vision from the balance of the masculine and feminine energies.
Until further notice,
Follow your bliss,
The only time is now,